Critter Cottage was abuzz, as the news broke that Bilbo and Paulie were to be adopted.
"You're going to a big family, and they already love you," said Nana Kayzy. "They told me that they can't wait to take you on their teddy bear picnics!"
"When can we go, when, when?" cried Bilbo, jumping up and down with excitement, while Paulie hung on behind him.
"When can we go?" |
"As soon as I can get you ready," Nana Kayzy answered. "Off you go, and have one last turn on the swing seat while I find a box to fit you both."
Bilbo and Paulie were not impressed at the thought of being cooped up in a box, so while they were swinging, they hit on
a plan.
"A box doesn't sound good - we need a plan" |
"Aha! I've got it!" |
When Nana Kayzy went looking for the boys, they were not to be found on the swing seat, but searching outside, she found them - on the bike, and heading towards the gate. "And where do you think you're going?" she called.
"Where do you think you're going?" |
"We're riding to our new home" |
"We're going to ride the bike to our new home!" squeaked Paulie. "We don't want to go in a box."
Nana Kayzy laughed, picked them up, bike and all, and brought them back into the cottage, where Sandi and Scruff were already sitting up at the table. "We're going to have a farewell celebration party!" they cried.
Farewell Celebration Party |
Bilbo and Paulie decided on orange cordial and lollies for their celebration, because "We need a BIG drink and lots of carbs to get us ready for our BIG trip," they explained. (Nana Kayzy told herself that she'd better be a little more careful in explaining nutrition to the bears in future.)
"We need a BIG drink and lots of carbs" |
"What do you think, Paulie?" |
"OK, Nana Kayzy - we'll go in the Tardis" |
After their celebration, the boys were shown THE BOX, which Nana Kayzy quickly explained was just like a Tardis, and would transport them to their new home much more quickly than riding a bike all the way.
Bilbo and Paulie could see the sense in this, and after checking it out thoroughly, agreed to this method of transport.
"Watch your step, Bilbo - that first one's tricky." |
"It's pretty comfortable." |
When last seen, their little faces were full of anticipation of the exciting adventure ahead, and they gave solemn promises to write as soon as they arrived at their destination.
"We'll write as soon as we get there." |
Nana Kayzy closed the box, and the intrepid time travellers were off, and . . . the Tardis disappeared from sight!
"Farewell, intrepid time travellers!" |
- A warm welcome to Robyn Kaye and Gabriele Joy, of GJOYful Bears - a lovely site to visit.
- Welcome also to a good friend who has just joined us here on the blog - Annette Henderson, of Dreamweaver Bears (see pic on my last post). Annette was an encouragement and inspiration to me in my early days of bearmaking - thank you, Annette.