I never know what I'm going to see when I leave the road, and start down the one kilometre dirt track that leads to our house. To get home we have to drive through two other properties, and through three farm gates, opening and closing each gate as we go, so there's plenty of opportunity to see interesting things along the way - if we look around, that is.
Earlier this week, after turning on to the track I rounded the first bend and came across the flock of sheep belonging to the neighbours on the first property. The flock, a mixture of fat-tails and merinos often graze along the track.
It's lambing season, and I love to see the newborn lambs with their mums. I couldn't resist taking a few pics with my mobile phone, and thought I'd share them with you.

This little lamb just sat there, quite undisturbed by my presence.
But Mother sheep suddenly noticed my interest in her beloved, and began calling to her little one to come away from the big bad human, and baa-ing at me to 'back off'.

Baby took even less notice of its mum than it had of me, so Mum charged down to her baby and shepherded it away from danger.
I called out to her, and tried to reassure her that I thought her baby was beautiful, and that I meant no harm. She stopped and turned around to look at me, before deciding that it wasn't worth continuing the conversation. Last seen, they were heading up the hill to join the rest of the flock.