Wednesday 15 February 2012


Well, the news has spread like wildfire in the Hills -  there's a bunny in the bear hug at Bunbury Cottage! The bears awoke last Saturday morning to find a bunny in their midst. Peta Rabbit had joined their little family.

The bears welcomed Peta Rabbit with beary enthusiasm,

hugging the little bunny with long floppy ears and sharing their breakfast of toast and honey with her.

After breakfast they showed Peta the garden, the boys climbing trees and doing other funny things to make her laugh.

Bruce decided to take a little nap halfway through the morning - playing is quite tiring, really!

Later that day Kirsty, their mum, stumbled upon this little trio in the garden . . . Peta Rabbit and Jemima, already best of friends, were chatting over afternoon tea and sugared almonds, while a rather sleepy Winkie was doing his best to stay awake.

Maybe we'll hear more of this little family and their adventures, because good news spreads fast in the Adelaide Hills, you know.


  1. The news has spread to the plains and we would love to see these little bunnies and bears playing.
    Sugared ALMONDS!!!! I need to come for afternoon tea.

  2. What a wonderful story and the photos are great. The only question we have is, where was our invite for tea?

    Bellamine & Wendy

  3. Hi Wilbur, Bellamine & Wendy!
    Sorry that you missed out on the fun this time, but we'd love you to come next time, so stay in touch!
    Big Hugs from Kayzy's Critters at Bunbury Cottage.


So glad you dropped in! We love friends to visit, so please come again soon.